Wednesday 13 November 2013

Experiences of Learning English

There are a wide variety of websites that document personal experiences of learning English. Often, the stories can also be professional in describing how experiences of learning English has both advanced the career of the person who has dedicated the time, energy and resources to learning English and how his or her career has gone in places never thought possible prior to dedicated English study.
While it is not known specifically how many students enter into English learning programs and eventually go on to reach great successes in life and in work, personal experiences of learning English can convey the needed attitude, resources and motivational awareness that is required of English language learners.

The reason these type of experiences of learning English are so valuable, is that new learners or those who are in the early thought processes of learning English can be inspired by other’s personal experiences of learning English. In other words, these personal experiences of learning English may provide the impetus and inspiration for people to move forward with study.
For anyone wishing to take on the admirable, challenging task of learning English, it is recommended to get as many personal experiences of learning English that one can.
Study English
To study English is to open a window into the largest and most influential literary tradition in the world, as well as the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. The English language sparkles with some of the most important writers in world history: Shakespeare, Chaucer, Austen, Twain, and hundreds more. Their works have stood the test of time and represent the English language at their finest. To study English is to find characters like Hamlet, the Wife of Bath, Mr. Darcy, and Huckleberry Finn, characters who live and breathe as real flesh and blood humans who exist entirely through the language of English. Meet new people. Make the effort to mix with English speakers in your town. You could join a club or go to bars where foreigners hang out. Buy one a drink, they love that!
Beyond the literary and cultural windows one can open through learning English, to study English is to learn to communicate in the most spoken and influential language on the planet. Most of the world’s international communications in politics, business, and media are conducted in English, and this language is increasingly essential for communicating on the world stage if you want the international community to hear you and to understand what the rest of the international community is saying to you. The world is an exciting place, and English is the ticket to entering the international mainstream, where the world’s most important conversations are taking place. From Los Angeles to London and Mumbai to Melbourne, English is today’s global lingua franca, the international language in the truest sense.
English Lessons
It is often requested by potential learners of English as a second language for English trial lessons to be part of the initial decision making process of whether to continue studying English at any particular school or through one particular online curriculum. The importance of English trial lessons cannot be overstated. The reason English trial lessons are so important is that it gives both the potential learner and the teacher an opportunity to test the waters, to see if the English that is being taught is a good match to the student’s ability to put the needed time, effort, motivation and positive attitude into the study.You can’t ignore phrasal verbs (two words verbs), there are hundreds of them in English and they’re widely used. The more you focus on their meaning, the more you’ll be able to guess the meaning of new ones. You’ll start to recognise their patterns.
Another excellent reason for offering English trial lessons is that it will give the potential student learner an idea of what he or she is getting into. Specifically, it is one thing to decide to learn the English language through formal study, but quite another to actually attend classes and stick with a specific English language program. For this reason, not everyone who embarks on English language study continues the study. Many people drop out of the program for any given number of reasons.
With English trial lessons, the potential student has a running start that he or she can then put in line with his or her expectations of the language program and what it will in fact take to be successful in the program. It is highly recommended that any student who is interested in learning English participates in some form of English trial lessons before investing in a full course of English study.
Learning English for Kids
There are many ways to go about learning English for kids. One can enroll a child into a language school, which will serve two purposes: First, to teach them ideas and concepts common to all children of that age group (where schooling usually begins at age 4 or 5) and second, to teach dedicated English language skills to young children who are non-native English speakers.
The benefit of learning English for kids is that when a person is young, they have a much higher rate of foreign language retention than when a person learns a foreign language when they are a bit older. The reason for this is complex, and has to do with the way the human brain processes complex information and saves data in “folders” that can be accessed in the mind. 
Cognitive psychologists have spent many years studying these ideas and formed basic and advanced theories for delivering language training programs to young people, before the task becomes more complex and difficult for older learners.